
History of tincture/History of CBD tincture

Tinctures have been around for as long as alcohol has been around. The use of plants to make tinctures has also been done for thousands of years. The modern medical interest of cannabis is attributed to Irish physician William Brooked O’Shaughnessy and his work in 1839, but the earliest evidence of cannabis use dates back to 2700 BC. The earliest use of cannabis as a medicine is attributed to Emperor Shen Nung; his teachings were passed down by word of mouth until the teachings were published in Shen Nung Pen-ts’ao Ching, a second – century Chinese book of herbal remedies. Throughout history, cannabis tinctures were made by soaking the entire cannabis plant in alcohol, resulting in a tincture with all types of cannabinoids like THC, CBD, and more. In the cannabis industry, that is called a “Full – spectrum” tincture since it was made using the whole plant. Now, tinctures come with specific cannabinoids, like CBD, due to advancements in extraction processes that separate them from the plant. You can now find tinctures with only THC, only CBD, a ratio of THC:CBD, and even other cannabinoids such as CBN, THV, CBG, etc.